Church Mouse Journal

More morsels from St Vincent's Redfern

Sunday, 5 June 2005


Auxiliary Bishop Fisher writes to the parishioners of St Vincent's

The following transcription is a little easier to read:
3 June 2005
To the Parishioners of St Vincent de Paul Church Redfern
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
First, I write to express my sincere sympathies to you all on the recent death of Fr Ted Kennedy who served your parish for many years and was, I know, deeply loved by many of you. I know that you will want to carry forward his legacy by ensuring that there is a vibrant and holy Catholic community in Redfern for many years to come. Secondly, I write to ask your co-operation with the appointed clergy of the parish during the Sacred Liturgy of the Mass. I understand that Masses at St. Vincent’s have sometimes been disrupted by people doing things without warrant in the liturgical rites and without permission of the clergy. I ask you please to ensure that this does not happen in the future, It is a matter for the Parish Priest, Pr Gerry, and his assistant, Fr Denis, to determine the style of the liturgies, placement of any liturgical furnishings, assistants at and near the altar and at communion time etc., in accordance with the liturgical norms. I know that there are strong views and emotions around some of these matters. The Liturgy is not, however, the place to express such differences of opinion by defying the appointed celebrant of the Mass or the liturgical rites of the Church. The Mass should be the public demonstration of that unity which Christ prayed for at the Last Supper. Members of the congregation are of course always free to express their opinions in the usual way to their clergy or to attend Masses in other parishes more to their taste. If there are further disruptions of the Mass I have directed Fr Gerry and Fr Denis to contact he Police and seek their assistance. I want to thank your parish clergy for their generous service of the people of Redfern and entrust them to your care even as they care for you. With prayerful best wishes,
Yours sincerely in Christ Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP. DD BA LlB BTheol DPhil Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney 'Buruni', 341 01d South Head Road, Watson's Bay NSW 2030. AUSTRALIA - Tel: (+61 2) 9337 2033 - Fax: (+61 2) 9337 2933 -

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